Impact and Open Education Practices

Institutional Self-Assessment Tool for OEP Initiatives

Note: This version of the tool was used to conduct the BCcampus supported study in 2019-2020.

Live Form Completing the live form will provide you with a report

Institutional Vision

  1. To what extent does the institutional vision consider open education practices? <eg. In the institutional mandate, strategic plan, academic plan, research plan, etc>
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of institutional vision that considers OEP-rich environments. Institutional vision focuses ONLY on how OEP-rich environments support existing learning and teaching practices. Institutional vision focuses on the need

for changes in culture, policies and practices in OEP-rich environments.

Institutional vision is being studied and emulated by other institutions.
  1. To what extent is your institution considering the role of OEP in the institution?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of consideration of the role of OEP in the institution. The need for consideration of the role of OEP in the institution is acknowledged. The consideration of the role of OEP in the institution is reactive in essence. In other words, it reacts to changing needs of their students and the society. The consideration of the role of OEP in the institution is proactive

and visionary (anticipating/ pre-emptive) in essence.

  1. What is the institutional purpose for OEP? <student success, innovation, student savings>
  1. Are there specific action plans for OEP?


  1. Who are the institutional advocates for OEP? <teaching and learning centre, librarians senior administration, faculty, students>


  1. What groups are the driving forces of OEP implementation (eg. senior admin, administrators, faculty, departments/colleges, teaching and learning centres, student unions, library, open education working groups, school curriculum committees)?
  1. Are there rewards for engaging with OEP?  <teaching and academic recognition, awards>
  1. To what extent is there collaborative and distributed leadership for OEP? <cross institutional committees, change champions>
  1. To what extent have external experts/outside perspectives been part of the implementation? <Bringing in outside reading, consultants, speakers, etc., or going to conference or institutes and bringing the ideas back to the campus. >
  1. What communication channels are being created or used to support OEP at the institution?

Curriculum/course/program development 

  1. To what extent are Curriculum/course/program development changes considering OEP?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
The design and implementation of curriculum

does not change with the adoption of OEP.

The design and implementation of curriculum in

Some courses

to take up the affordances of OEP.

The design and implementation of curriculum changes changes in some programmes and their associated courses to take up the affordances of OEP. The design and implementation of curriculum changes for all programmes in the HEI

to take up the affordances of OEP.

OEP professional development 

  1. To what extent is professional development on OEP occurring at your institution?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of professional development on OEP. Some professional development on OEP is happening but it is ad hoc and not infused at all levels of the institution. Regular professional development on OEP is happening but not at all levels of the institution. Professional development on OEP is happening at all levels of the institution 

Infrastructure and resources

  1. To what extent does your institution have the infrastructure and resources to support OEP? <technology, guides, templates, examples, processes, registration, bookstore, libguides, funding, institutional data integration/consideration, removal of technical barriers>
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
The access to infrastructure and resources is not sufficient to support OEP. Infrastructure is adequate for OEP learning and teaching activities, and resources are available and accessible to teaching staff and students. Infrastructure is adequate for OEP learning and teaching activities, and resources are available and accessible to teaching staff and students. Infrastructure is adequate for OEP learning and teaching activities, and resources are available and accessible to teaching staff and students. Teaching staff develop and share their resources for OEP.
  1. To what extent is there technical and service support for OEP?
Under Consideration Emerging/ Applying Infusing Transforming
Technical and service support for teaching staff is absent. Technical and service support are provided for teaching staff mainly in the form of an tech Helpdesk that deals only with technical issues. Technical and service support are provided

for teaching

staff beyond an ICT Helpdesk; instructional designers and multimedia developers are available centrally to support teaching staff

in their OEP

Technical and

service support

are provided for teaching staff beyond an ICT Helpdesk; instructional designers and multimedia developers are available centrally and within each faculty to support teaching staff in their OEP.


  1. To what extent are there policies to support OEP in your institution?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of policies that support OEP in the HEI. Some policies that support OEP in the HEI are implemented. Policies that support OEP are developed and implemented at all levels in the HEI. There is an alignment of OEP master plan, corresponding policies, specific guidelines and mechanisms

that encourage staff to engage in OEP.

Institutional structure 

  1. To what extent is there an institutional structure to support OEP?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of institutional structure

that leads

and supports OEP in the HEI.

A specialised centre that leads and supports OEP in the HEI is established. A senior leader in the HEI structure leads the OEP initiative with the support of the specialised centre in the HEI. A strong leadership team

or task force is

in place at the HEI level to push and oversee OEP implementation with the support of the specialised centre in the HEI.


  1. What types of incentives are available to faculty and staff for implementing OEP (e.g. monetary incentive, reduction in course load, grants, teaching and academic recognition, awards)?
  1. To what extent does the senior leadership provide resources <people, money, time>  to support the initiative?


Internal partnerships 

  1. To what extent are there internal partnerships at your institution? <between libraries, schools, T& L centres, research centres, IT, communications etc>
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 

of internal partnership

on OEP. OEP in each department are developed in isolation.

Internal partnerships on OEP are encouraged by the HEI

but there is a lack of formal support structure to develop and sustain these partnerships.

Internal partnerships on OEP are encouraged by the HEI and there is a formal support structure and resources (financial, and human) allocated to develop and sustain these partnerships. Besides encouragement and support by the institution for internal partnerships

on OEP, faculty, department and unit leaders and teacher staff are pro-active in identifying and building internal partnerships.

External partnerships 

  1. To what extent is your institution engaging in  external partnerships to support OEP? <BCcampus, eCampusOntario, other institutions, conferences>
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 

of external partnership for OEP.

Partnerships with other organisations on OEP are often limited to one-off projects such as co-organising professional development workshops, collaborating on a research and development project, or co-financing the development of new OEP. Most of the partnerships with other organisations on OEP are sustainable where there is a long term commitment from both

the HEI and organisations towards supporting OEP.

Besides long term commitments

to external partnerships to support OEP, the external partnerships involve shaping the direction of OEP.

Research and impact

  1. To what extent is there research support for OEP?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of research and development support. There is limited support for research and development of OEP where most of the support is administrative

in nature such as identification of available research funds, submission of research proposals, and preparation of research agreement or contracts.

Besides administrative support for research and development

of OEP, there is support for the preparation of research proposals that includes working out a budget, undertaking literature review, consulting research designs and methods and providing feedback.

Support for research and development of OEP

is provided by the HEI at all stages of the research project; that is, from the identification of sources of funding and preparation of research proposal to the project implementation and submission of final research report.

Evaluation of impact

  1. To what extent is the evaluation of OEP initiatives and their impact being undertaken?
Not Under Consideration  Emerging/ Applying  Infusing  Transforming 
Absence of evaluation of OEP impact The evaluation of impact is carried out either on an ad-hoc basis or by a top-down approach that involves only a small group of staff in the HEI. The evaluation of OEP impact involves all stakeholders of the HEI to identify the gaps in practices and policies; however, there is no follow-up activity to address the gaps. The evaluation of OEP impact involves all stakeholders of the HEI to identify the gaps in practices and policies;

and there are follow-up activities to address the gaps.

  1. What other evidence or indicators impact do you have that suggests a shift in culture or practice is happening? Where are there gaps, where is the institution falling short? <Eg. more faculty applying for BCcampus grants, internal grants, more press releases, use of PD for Open activities.>