Meeting 1 Recap

Meeting 1 Recap

Recap of May 5 Meeting #1

We started with introductions and moved into the powerpoint slides (see below) that got into the purpose of the group, what we hope we can achieve, and current gaps and opportunities.  We had a short discussion of where we see additional gaps and opportunities in researching, measuring and reporting OEP impact which included:

  • impact of OEP on job satisfaction/career progression
  • impact of OEP on society more broadly – in the professional discipline, the sector…eg. student work, openly licensed, that leads to change in paramedic curriculum for a province
  • impact in the context of learners and their digital literacies, noting that OEP intersects with other areas such as digital literacies.  Specifically, is the openETC e-portfolio work of students sustained beyond the length of the program, how does the work students do and beyond change their practices as a result of opennesse
  • impact of OEP as a participatory practice that leads to sustainable, distributed communities of practices

We also discussed the contribution that change management research may have in informing our work, specifically the ADKAR model (link in resources below).

Next Steps

  1. In order to get a landscape of current OEP activity and current ways it is being measured, we will complete a self-survey (Tannis will set up a form) to better capture and view this landscape.
  2. Tannis will send a Frame-A-Date/Doodle poll to book out our next 6 meetings.

Resources Shared

(LK) Change Management Model:



OEP impact advisory meeting 1

Bluejeans Meeting recording available if needed

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